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KEYWORD "Institute of Economic Affairs" - 4 RESULTS
Scrap Stamp Duty! Think tank says it worsens affordability

A highly influential think tank says stamp duty should be scrapped for all house purchases once and for all. Alexander Hammond of...

17 August 2021

From: Breaking News

Johnson’s Mansion Tax: angry Tories hit out at ‘socialism lite’

Conservatives have been lining up to criticise a mansion tax which may be introduced on expensive homes to fund infrastructure improvements...

11 February 2020

From: Breaking News

Agents’ qualifications will cut competition and increase fees - claim

Estate agent licensing will reduce competition, make buying and selling homes more expensive, and add another layer of red tape to...

18 April 2018

From: Breaking News

Say no to George before housing crisis

A new website has been launched to fight back against the attack George Osborne made in the Summer Budget on the...

21 August 2015

From: Features

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